Operation Blind Spot

Operation Blind Spot©

It’s amazing.  There’s one main belief system that is stopping you from truly being YOU.

It’s so much a part of you that it’s embedded in a BLIND SPOT.


Your dream revealed - you know how to get there.

Your dream will be revealed! And you’ll know how to get there.

 You can uncover that Blind Spot.

You’ll actually SEE hidden beliefs you didn’t realize had so much power over your life.

You’ll nab the BIG one that’s been preventing you from being who you are.

It’s so much fun easing through this ingenious process developed by two Harvard professors. 

You’ll be amazed at the freedom

and the abundant

stores of courage you have NOT been using

to live the life you want.


Power into your soul’s desire by subscribing to this soul-revealing process.

Operation Blind Spot©

It takes 14 steps and approximately 15 weeks.
You’ll need a binder and a printer because you’ll be creating a map that needs easy access for references.

HOW TO SUBSCRIBE?  Write a question or comment below and you’ll receive the first step by email.

When you complete the first step, if you would like to continue, you can let me know.  We will be in continuous throughout the 14 steps.

Sample comments from past participants as they completed their steps::

 “The first step of clarity. The first real strong “ah ha” moment in seeing my blind spot for the first time. That’s empowering.”

“…choices between then and now begin to fall into place. Ah ha – so THAT is why.”

                                                                                   – Gin Getz, Colorado – author of “The Color of the Wild” & “The  Last of the Living Blue”

“Operation Blind Spot has given me a clear insight on my beliefs that have controlled my life. I think and act differently and now I take control over life’s situations that used to cause stress and frustrate me. I could not see my blind spot, the one thing that kept me from moving forward. After working through this process, step by step, I have reset and rewired my thinking. I am happy now! Thank you Amy for your guidance and for designing a practical program for a better me!”    Karen C on Salt Spring Island, Canada


Congratulations on “Operation Blind Spot” Amy. It’s a brilliant program. It can be challenging to look in our rear view mirror and see what we’ve buried deep in our psyches, but as your Beloveds advised:
“Don’t run away from your fear. Becoming friends is to acknowledge it is there……And what occurs is a falling in love with self ….”
How lovely to fall in love with self.
.”  – Rosie in California

“I believe in the process … and I certainly believe in you!”

“I can’t believe how much different I feel (about self and my world) in such a short time, and how much this process makes sense.”

“Amy, this has been fun and interesting already. I have many pages of hand written notes. They are very personal…they provide great insight…”

“I felt so strong and clear…I must say, not a day goes by without my noticing this blind spot now in my behavior. That alone somehow feels good. I catch myself as my defenses kick into gear. Sometimes I even react differently – things [are] just not bothering me as much, which is interesting to note.”

“First, I want to say that “working” with you is/has been a joy – truly – deeply said, felt, meant – and I want to share too that your personal responses mean the world to me. It makes you real. The woman I hold in such high esteem – to hear more about your journey makes my journey more real. I thank you for the times you have shared, and encourage you to continue with that approach. Your personal stories give solid form to the “participant.” You become more real, approachable – and our journey becomes filled with greater hope. ‘Hey, if she went through that, I can too!’ – sort of thing.

Your positive encouragement too has proved invaluable – and an inspiration. You are indeed on the right journey of helping others, and you do this well. Thank you. I can’t thank you enough for not only sharing your program, but sharing yourself throughout.

With much love and tremendous respect and gratitude,  Gin”

If it’s in your heart to donate, thank you so very much!


Facilitator:  Amy MacLeod        

During a career in business and education that spanned four decades, Amy used her professional facilitator skills in a variety of fields.  After retirement, in the interest of how to finally see what belief systems were holding her back from being all she wanted to be, she completed the Immunity To Change course offered by Drs. Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey at Harvard.  After successfully studying their work and personally experiencing profound results, Amy embraced this revolutionary concept, made it a part of her life and developed Operation Blind Spot so others could experience their own profound discoveries. 

This program brings a fresh attitude and methodology to discovering needs, observing oneself and realizing changed behaviour.

 A keen observer of life, Amy enjoys seeing how the “ordinary” is really a diamond playing with divine light.  Operation Blind Spot now allows others to discover their life-changing diamond.

A student of Yoga, Tai Chi as well as a lover of all things flora or fauna, Amy enjoys an abundance of spiritual flavours and seasoning on the West Coast of British Columbia, Canada.


14 thoughts on “Operation Blind Spot

  1. Pingback: Intuition – It’s On The Rise | Soul Dipper

  2. Pingback: On The Subject of Woundedness | Soul Dipper

  3. Pingback: Blind Spots Revealed | Soul Dipper

  4. Pingback: “It’s All Good” A Phrase of No Hope | Soul Dipper

  5. Pingback: A Gift of Manna – Sustenance | Soul Dipper

  6. Pingback: It’s a Wrap…and Operation Blind Spot Participants Protest! | Soul Dipper

  7. Pingback: The Beloveds – A Force of Source | Soul Dipper

  8. I would recommend this course from Amy. Thank you Amy! To me the course Operation Blind Spot was a helping hand to live better . I found that it was a fascinating process to discover my blindspot and now I am moving forward much easier in my life.

    • Thanks, Patti, for these kind words and especially for a great contribution to the group as you shared the change you wanted to make to your life. Your progress is a promise to all of us.

  9. Pingback: On Death, Dying and Depression: Dealing with our Darkest Days. | Gin Getz

  10. Pingback: On Death, Dying and Depression: Dealing with our Darkest Days : Conscious Life News

  11. Pingback: On Death, Dying and Depression: Dealing with our darkest days |

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