Technology: A Tool for Unity

Mists of a New Season

Mists of a New Season

Autumn shifted its weight and squished the life out of summer last night.  It summoned the rain – the very day my cord of wood was delivered.  A mist now hangs over us like an inspector making certain summer warmth doesn’t dare sneak back into the landscape.

What a perfect day to put all else aside and focus on our GenOne homework with my GenOne Circle.

Beloved Guides:  We like your homework assignment.

Welcome!  What a surprise!  I had no idea you would be with us today.

With the Love felt and expressed in your Circle call today, we hoped for an invitation.

Always!  And look at the time:  11:11:03 a.m.  You are too clever!

We know when to knock. 

A quick overview about this visit:  With the evolutionary connection strengthening on the continuum, the veil between connections is thinner.  Humans stand more easily in both dimensions.   Barbara’s Wheel of Co-Creation shows the “arrow of evolution” and how it is more efficiently passing through the veils.  

We hope all understand how willingness to evolve beyond current levels holds a major key to evolutionary mysticism.  Let us be clear, it is available to each consenting person.

And so, as you see, we have come as support.

Thank you for your presence.  Your strength and clarity are appreciated.

In our homework this week, we are to meditate and live with the following Code:  “Reside in the NEW, in the NOW at the edge of Evolution.”  We are asked to be still, be silent, be awake to what is being revealed in the “new now”.

Then, we were asked to remember the question posed by Bruce Sanguin:  What does it mean to be an evolutionary mystic – to have the arrow of spiritual essence moving through our lives taking us to the “new now”?

And finally, we reflect on Tuesday’s presentation by Ilia Delio, OSF, Director of Catholic Studies and Visiting Professor at Georgetown University.  She addressed our new age of Technology.  While we rapidly adjust to new styles, practices, methods of communicating, she highlighted how it is leading us to deeper spirituality.

At first, this seems ironic since many of us see many pitfalls and folly of overuse.

And your Circle members responded honourably.

They did. The teachings are at the fingertips of our being, our consciousness. I’d like to share two stories from our Circle today – both contain examples of practicing our “new now”:

First, C.’s experience.  She left the USA a few weeks ago to attend her daughter’s wedding in Rwanda.

The groom, a man from Rwanda, was from a high ranking family so there were 7 ceremonies as part of this wedding.  C. was able to attend four ceremonies and had been warned not to talk about genocide or the various tribes that were affected.  It is illegal to even speak the names of the tribes, she learned.  Rwanda is attempting to exist as one nation.

At each ceremony, C. was given a seat with elders, family members and VIPs.  Much to her amazement, throughout these celebrations various family members elaborated on the genocidal events and how they affected their family and country.  This happened repeatedly – exposing horrors and miracles.

When she asked about their openness, they explained she was now a family member.  As they had come to accept and love her, they brought her securely into the family through sharing who they are and what they had been through.  They wanted her to carry the knowledge as would any family member.

Instead of seeing glaring opposites – race, colour, culture, etc. –  C. felt the embrace of these welcoming people.  Not only did they demonstrate their Love, they demonstrated their trust of her Love.  They opened themselves, showed their lives and shared their hope so she would fathom the depth of their acceptance and welcome for her.

We are aware you wiped tears throughout her powerful story.  And the second one?

T. identified with C.  She had a parallel experience in Syria. 

T.’s sister had married a Syrian man in the USA.  They were in an accident and were both killed.  T. and her husband, with two children of their own, immediately welcomed the orphaned niece and nephew into their home and lives.

A couple of years ago, T. took her niece and nephew to Syria to meet their Syrian relatives.  The family’s response to her surpassed every expectation.   She was welcomed and placed in a position of honour; she was awed by their Love and acceptance. 

As she gave examples of this family’s embrace, she said repeatedly, “I am only an aunt!  They treated me as though I was their parent!”

I had to smile over her astonishment.  I don’t have to meet T. to know her presence is filled with Love.

What perfect stories to exemplify your assignment.

Profoundly!  T. and C. personified Bruce Sanguin’s description of evolutionary mystics.  They each portray a sense of deep inner being that removes boundaries wrought by politics, race, environment and culture.

Beloveds, this message is needed for our world.  This is the experience needed to turn the hearts of world leaders inside out.  Life, miraculous or tragic, needs to be shared and heard – nose to nose or through technology – with open hearts that invite Love and encourage the flow of transforming compassion and hearts.

Are Evolutionary Mystics finding ways of doing this?

Yes.  The way is not complicated.  For example, look at GenOne.  With the Internet, we are able to participate in this evolutionary learning event.  Before the Internet, how would we have learned about such an opportunity?  Would we have been able to spend up to three hours a week on long distance calls without charge?

Technology allows meditation with people from around the world.  We hear stories, first hand, of incredible Love and acceptance surpassing borders, boundaries or differences.  We are experiencing a “new now”  – a global Love that has been beyond our reach without technology.

As Ilia Delio stated in her presentation to us, technology is here to enhance spirituality in the world.  Yes, we have complained about it, but, “We cannot know how to use or develop technology…if we do not know where we are going or why we are going at all.  Evolution is not a blind, mechanical process, but a dynamic unfolding of consciousness and complexity.” (Chapter Nine of The Unbearable Wholeness of Being:  God, Evolution and the Power of Love.)

As with the intellect, so it is with technology:  Essential, but with management.

Perfect summation, Beloveds.  Thank you for your Divine encouragement and validation.  Thank you for being a steadfast presence.

With blessing.


Are you a conscious evolutionary?

Barbara Manx Hubbard wrote The Evolutionary Journey: A Personal Guide to a Positive Future.  In it, she lists numerous personality traits with an invitation to see how much the reader matches with the archetypal evolutionary personality.

Do these descriptions fit you?  (The range for the “fit” could be from 1% to 100%):

  • You believe that the basis of reality is not material but consciousness and intelligence.  You sense a spiritual reality.
  • You believe you are not alone in the Universe.  You intuitively sense the existence of other intelligence.
  • You would accept an invitation from extraterrestrial visitors to go up in a space craft.
  • You are physically healthy.  You have a positive attitude toward life and practice some form of meditation or positive thinking exercises.
  • You have a long history of aloneness.  You are an unusual type in your organization or your family.
  • You are not seeking manipulative power.  You are interested in empowerment of yourself and others.
  • You have an intuition of a Designing Intelligence inherent in the nature of reality which is progressing toward a desirable future.

(Note:  More definitions can be found at the end of the previous post:  Be Still and Know…and We are Home)

16 thoughts on “Technology: A Tool for Unity

  1. Dear Amy, I’m taking a break from blogging, but still reading…sometimes…. this is a wonderful post, so validating and empowering, especially for those of us who ‘ have a long history of aloneness,’
    And your stories…glorious….thank you, thank you, with love, Valerie

    • I have been thinking of you, Valerie…making a mental note to visit you to see what was up. Now I see – it’s a teabreak. Good for you. A speaker at GenOne, Ilia Delio, a Visiting Prof at Georgetown told of young people giving themselves a “no computer” day. They speak of the experience as though they discovered silence, peace and freedom in one bundle.

      I’ve been on an Organic Rooibus binge these past two months, but the leaves from South Africa are not available on the island. When I was in S. Africa and tasted the authentic and fresh leaves, I knew I’d be on a perpetual search once home. It’s a challenge, but when I find a fresh supply, bliss turns into capital letters.

      Enjoy your time, Valerie. Thanks for looking after yourself. We need you in this blogosphere.

  2. A profoundly beautiful post and I appreciate the story sharing. They’re both dear …

    The upside to the Internet outweighs its down side. Up to each of us to exercise some discretion and control; but the potential for peaceful understanding is so on my mind these days. Just like it would be hard to make war on people whose homes we’ve visited and with whom we’ve broken bread or shared a bowl of rice, how can we make war against the people we have been communicating with for years as bloggers, for instance? We have shared the tragedies and triumphs, the fears and disappointments, the elations and depressions. We said congratulations on births and weddings and anniversaries. We offered prayers and condolences on illness and death. We’ve read first-hand accounts that haven’t been played with by editors or authorities. We are no longer “other.” I think there are many miracles in this new media …

    A good post, Amy. Thank you!

    • Your comment shows how your poet heart heard and assimilated the message, Jamie.

      I have a few friends who are proud Luddites – no way they’ll join Face Book & reading blogs is just silly. Some folks won’t own a personal computer. When these people want to know about my life, my mind becomes a log jam that’s hit the opening to a dam. Friends who are only on email must see mostly jokes and cutesy stuff.

      I know you’ve kept up with communication changes – your son has done a great job helping/encouraging you in technology. Keeping up with the changes, whether we’re ready or not, gives us an understanding that saves a lot of confusion and heartache. If we don’t participate, it’s no longer that we’re simply not in the game. It means standing at the door of an abandoned stadium, at the right season and there’s no explanatory posters or messages on your answering machine!

      Technology opens the world for seniors. They, or other homebound people don’t have to be reduced to four walls, the offerings of media and the life problems of a care giver. Whether they want to live in the past or visit Mars, it’s on the Net!

  3. I became aware in a new way of our oneness in a poetry community this week where someone posted a poem that was based on his/her experience with drones flying over. I believe the only way we will know peace is through connection like this–one person to another, one poet to another, one spiritual seeker to another. The media distortion is confusing and drives a false reality. To hear it from someone who is there allows a totally different perspective.

    • Oh, Victoria, your comment just walloped me! How profound. And brilliant. A poet’s description of such an experience would challenge anyone to ignore it. And this is what Ilia Delio is talking about – here’s a great example of being placed in a shared spiritual moment and space. How can we not be transformed? Just learning about this has altered something within me. I know this will come up in conversation with others – and the reach goes on. Thank you!

  4. As always, another interesting post, meant to stretch our boundaries, help us grow. My sister is one who doesn’t like technology, they have a phone that is never with them or charged, her son did buy them a I Pad and I have gotten her to get on FB so she can see pics and keep up on the news of her grand children. I love the pic but when I first saw it I thought it was light from the sky shining through the trees, but you have said it was a mist.Hope you get the wood stacked, the almanac says we are in for a snowy winter. Have a wonderful week end.

  5. As with any tool, the internet can be used for good or ill. I’ve connected with so many other writers and bloggers through the internet, and this is a gift. But boy, can I waste time if I am not strict with myself about which sites I surf regularly.

  6. So much that I need to shove into words…and such an inability to do that right now. But yes. Yes!! Connectedness is a powerful thing.
    LOL. The fog will lift and maybe I’ll be able to participate!

  7. I often wonder if all the technology I’m exposed to is limiting me or expanding me. Here again, balance (or management, as your guides say) is the key. But balance is so elusive. At least it is for me.

    • Lorna, I also find balance is a lifetime job. One good thing about time, it’s helped my balance barometer signal me sooner and sooner. Plus I don’t hesitate as long to speak up or take action when a factor is affecting my balance. It’s one of the things I like about being seasoned!

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