Angelic Visitation

My soul’s net unfurls in a wide arc.  As it floats down to claim its catch, I have raced to be under it.  Because the object of this blog is disclosure, the mysterious contents of the prize will be shared.

Ten days ago, a friend, Jay*, through email, asked if I would like to receive five visitors for five days.  Since I did not have to change bedding, cook, or clean up after them, the proposal caught my attention.  I read the details.

Jay explained that five Archangels would arrive on Thursday, November 18th, 2010 at 8:45 a.m:  Archangel MICHAËL, Archangel GABRIEL, Archangel RAPHAËL, Archangel URIEL and Archangel METATRON.


Archangel MICHAËL - the field commander of the Army of God

Archangel GABRIEL serves as a messenger from God

Archangel Raphael performs all manners of healing.

Archangel URIEL "God is my light" -angel of repentance who watches over thunder and terror.

Archangel METATRON, the highest of the angels and serves as the celestial scribe.

Concensus does not exist in the world religions as to the roles, status and authenticity of Archangels.  Some religions do name seven archangels.   Of those seven, only four are on this tour, visiting my home.  Archangel Metatron seems obscure even though some claim that he is the Highest of Archangels.  He is not even named in the list of Seven (linked three sentences ago).  He was seen sitting down by some sort of judicious body, a gesture reserved only for God apparently.  Seems he may have fallen from grace over that political incorrectness and is just waiting to resume his position.

The delightful fact about this?  While they are here, I can ask them anything.  No limits.  No barriers.  I can ask for everything.  And so I will.  I’ll even ask Metatron about his lack of mention in the list of Seven Archangels.

Back to the rules for a moment:

When the Archangels arrived this morning, I said a prayer of welcome and gratitude.  A small altar exists in their honour that includes:

–   a white candle, which has to be lit for the 5 days while I am in the house,
–   a white flower that I will put outside after the Archangel’s departure so it can go back to the earth.
–   an envelope containing 3 wishes:  one for myself, one for my family and one for the planet.   I was warned:  “Watch out this is powerful, remain clear in your words, precise but without too many details.”
–   on the envelope I have put an apple, which I will eat after their departure.

The instructions go on to say that the house must be tidy and welcoming so that these Divine Beings can take position with love and peace.   I like these Archangels.  I don’t function well in clutter or an unclean environment either.  My mind wanders, but I’m not sure whether it’s because I’m judging the scene or if I’m looking for the “hot spots” to avoid.  Unless it is my mess, I am happy to leave it to the one responsible.

I learned to ignore messes very well.  My mother gloried herself in many hearts due to her incredible humanity, but she did not endear herself to any of my secret domestic facets.  As a teenager, if I touched something in the house that was not mine, someone would claim that it was my duty to clean up the wreckage around it.

Over the next five days, I will tidy up after Duc-la-Chat and myself.  While the Archangels perform various blessings, I am to pray, contemplate and meditate.  When I go out, they’ll come, too.  Back to driving the speed limit for a while.  Tonight, I’m attending a woman’s circle, but I’ll chance that the “fellas” will remain invisible.

Apparently, I have a daily appointment at 10:45 p.m. at which time I may ask questions and listen for answers.  They like to communicate between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. and between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.

Why am I telling you about this?  I have some serious requests.  I will tell you three of them – neither are from the sealed envelope:

1.  I submitted a short story to the Writer’s Digest.  Jamie gave me the nudge so I complied.  Please, Archangels, arrange for me to win first prize.  The prize includes a trip to New York and some cash.  That’s the “neon” part of winning.  The “soul” part?  The article is published and, with a trip to New York, I have the opportunity to visit one of my Soul Journer friends, Kadian.  She lives in the vicinity.

2.  I ask for concrete proof and assurance that I have enough assets to continue living life as a writer, free from worry about earning money.

3.  Please assure that Duc is continuously in good health.

My White Candle Sculpture

Over the next few blogs, I’ll report on the little things that have already amazed me.

Since I will be going through a number of white candles, I will continue creating my wax sculpture.

The other object to this whole exercise is to be open, to make myself vulnerable, to show you my soul.  On a video, a talk moved me to take this stance and build a window into my life. Breaking away from my love of privacy, this will be a challenge.

Besides, it will be fun to share what the Archangels will do/are doing in my life and my home.

My fear is not what you will find.  Rather it is what you will not find!

(*Not his real name.)

27 thoughts on “Angelic Visitation

  1. go for it darling, you deserve all of the best in your life. write your own script of what you want in your life. remember “Thoughts become things”

    love ya,

  2. Soul Dipper, I am jumping up and down as if you already won the prize. I will be praying hard for this one. I can’t wait for the angels to arrive at my doorstep and I am anxiously awaiting your blogs about their visits at your place. I think I need to give myself a energy treatment. I can’t seem to calm down after reading this blog. So much to be excited about.

  3. What an interesting email invitation, Amy! I’m on the edge of my seat to read about your experience. And I gotta say that my gut says the stuff about the candle, the flower, the envelope, etc., is more about your human experience than anything the entities known as archangels would ask of you. (But I’m sure you know that.)

    FWIW, the writeup in the teeny booklet accompanying Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle deck calls out Metatron as one of only two archangels who was once human (Sandalphon being the other). So if you’re seeking more things to ask, that might be an interesting one.

    Love the white candle sculpture.

    Good luck with the contest.

    • Oh, Sally, that is so interesting about Metatron and Sandalphon. Did Metatron direct you to tell me this? It prompted me to learn this from one section of Wikipedia:

      “Metatron transmits the daily orders of God to the angels Gabriel and Sammael. Metatron is often identified as being the twin brother to Sandalphon, who is said to have been the prophet Elijah.

      VM Samael Aun Weor imagines Metatron as the Prophet Enoch, the Angel who provided humanity with the 22 Hebrew letters and the original Tarot, stating that the Angel lives in the superior worlds in the region Aziluth (The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah).”

      Having just returned home, thank you for reminding me to light one of those candles~

      • Wow. Hadn’t heard that about Metatron’s possible connection with the Tarot. For months now, I’ve been part of a local meetup called Intuitive Tarot, and I’m using my decks to strengthen and refine my connection with my intuitive knowing.

        The booklet with the Virtue cards (which are simply oracle cards, not Tarot) also connects Metatron with sacred geometry. More than once, in following the guidance of the cards, I’ve asked Metatron to clear and balance my chakras by sending a geometric form known as a Metatron cube through my crown and into my body. It’s the fastest method of clearing chakras I’ve ever experienced.

        • Love the fact that you are honing your intuitive skills, Sally. What a great way to do that. Hmmmmm…makes me want to talk with a friend who recently gave me a very helpful reading.

          A fascinating discovery re Metatron and the Tarot, Sally. Glad I kept that in the direct quote – almost eliminated it. The power of the connections…

  4. Pingback: Little Grandmother’s Wisdom « Soul Dipper

  5. I am glad that you are writing about this experience. I am up toooo early and your blog was the first thing that I visited. Now if I can get the signal strength a bit stronger, then I can watch the video on the next post.

  6. Hi Amy .. the Brene Brown video TED talk .. is AMAZING .. I’d been pointed in her direction in the last couple of months but hadn’t got there .. but this talk is extraordinary .. and opens life up so much.

    I can see exactly what you mean here .. thank you for giving us the video link ..

    Loved it – Hilary

    • Yes she presents a great message. I just listened to part of a speech from the Dalai Lama at a Leadership Conference in India yesterday. He reminded me that by having an attitude of compassion, my heart automatically opens. I can be receiving, transparent and inviting. We are social beings and are geared toward working together, but we have this little thing called self-centeredness that causes us to “close” and prevents us from receiving all that is available to us.

  7. Look at this responses. Wonderful. Just as wonderful as your brave post, Amy. An energetic group is/has formed out of these Internet friendships.

    FYI: I had a nudge to point you in the direction of the contest. Whether that means you will win, I don’t know. I do know it is absolutely about you moving forward to get your work published. Good luck. I’ll be rooting for you. If you do win (hope and pray), you’ll have to give my regards to Old Broadway because that’s my beloved hometown.

    I believe in Angels. I do my Reiki work with them. Powerful and Comforting.

    Write on, my friend. Good stuff.

    • I’ve thrown my hat in the ring in all sorts of other areas of life so why not writing? If this hat is out-classed, there is purpose. Of that I am certain…even if it is to humbly keep me with hat in hand. Thanks for you, Jamie. 🙂

  8. Pingback: Thank You. Great To Have You Back! « Soul Dipper

  9. Simple Angel Prayer with miraculous results:
    Put 3 candles in the highest place you have at home, inside a plate with sugar all around the candles.
    light the candles. Ask for 3 wishes to the angels St Raphael, St Michael and St Gabriel . Ask one wish for business
    one wish for love and one impossible wish. Publish this on the third day after requesting the wishes (as I am doing here) or mailing to another in the classified ads and see what happens on the 4th day.

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