Occupy Blogosphere, Thursday, July 12, 2012


What if this was what we saw at all stampedes?

Sleeping pony & cowboy. The favourite image from the 2012 Calgary Stampede so far.
Photographer: Stu Winston

Imagine what we would be teaching our children.


Every Thursday

we OCCUPY this space.

We give this planet a shot of

fun, support and positive energy.


Share something you’ve been wanting to tell the world.


Do an Occupy of your own and add a link in comments.


This space thrives on positive material.  Soul Dipper reserves the right to decline any submission that is presented with a flair for the negative, deemed  to be derogatory or could be surmised as slanderous.


Α – Ω

41 thoughts on “Occupy Blogosphere, Thursday, July 12, 2012

  1. Pingback: Sometimes we have to look hard to find the positivity « maturestudenthanginginthere

    • I peeked at your post and saw your sons when they were just boys. I bet you have a fabulous relationship with them. It shows just in that one shot! I’m delighted you are participating, Marion!

  2. Amy aunty I have exactly the same photograph(although not such a good quality and beautifully clicked) with my cat sleeping on my arms. Thanks a lot for helping me remembering those days with my cat who is now dead. But now I have a new one at my home, who is one and half years old. 🙂

  3. Pingback: Occupy Blogosphere Thursday July 12 « Be W.E.L.L.

    • Hi Jacqueline – The good thing about this occupy, one can jump in any time. I’m just a little horrified about animals…last night three horses were killed in the chuckwagon races and the fourth one is critically injured. Stampedes were a good excuse for family fun and visiting in the West when I was growing up. But I always disliked the bucking horses and races. I used to wonder how the owners could ever subject them to such cruelty.

      A Calgarian replied, “It brings in revenue.” Yet…she’s been well conditioned to not feel!

  4. What a lovely image. I wanted to say that I’m so glad to have joined your mission to Light up the Blog-o-sphere. I write most days, if I can, but Thursday’s post have become very special to me. Thank you for your encouragement to make it so. Here’s to positivity in all the forms we find to share it.

    • Our animals do so much for us. You’ve likely read about studies about healing when animals are present. When my oldest sister had to go into a care facility and was not able to take her Siamese-of-great-personality, it was heartbreaking. It was easier for me to accept her giving up her house than that little cat.

  5. A beautul photo — looks like an albino foal. Sad new about the chuckwagon horses. Every year there is some horrible accident involving those poor animals. I wish they would just ban chuckwagon races. Watched a documentary about it once and of course all those involved swear the horses love it, but really?! Come on, being driven at such break neck paces in confined spaces is nothing but a recipe for disaster. Just saying.

    • Yay! Oh, Kathy, I agree! People always told me, as a kid, that the animals were enjoying it. I’ve NEVER bought that line – my intuition “screams” that they are terrified. Really people! If you think it’s so much fun, give your pet to some jerk who’s going to taunt it into a miserable state of madness!

  6. Pingback: Favorite Quotes: Love | "On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea"

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