Occupy Blogosphere – Thursday, March 15th, 2012

“When I knock on your door, I hope to find you.”  In essence, that’s what I wrote to Totsymae.

A blogger, Totsymae, asked for opinions about guest-posts.  My truth?  Finding another writer on a favourite blog feels like I’ve knocked on the door looking for a cup of tea only to find the friend on vacation.  A tea will still be served and it may taste incredible, but it won’t contain the experience of my visiting my friend.

Sharing is what it’s all about.  I get that.  But I find exceptional bloggers through a simple link or through a comment on a blog.  That works for me.

Now that I sermonized with sanctimonious sureness, today’s Occupy is another blogger’s comment lifted out of my last post.  What gives me the chutzpah to feature Jinkspots after dousing folks with my opinion?

Two reasons: 

  • Because Occupy Blogosphere is created for sharing.
  • And because Jinkspots wrote precisely what I wanted to say to the world today.  She did my work for me – and very eloquently.

Here it is – all the way from Japan:

“…today was a great day! A warm, sunny, spring-filled day of bird song and blossom, laughter and heart-to-heart conversation. I had a thought which came to me that I knew I wanted to share, and believe now, after having read your post, that it was meant to be shared here:

“When all hope is gone, look for love.
In love you will find hope.”

Love of course doesn’t have to mean love with or for another person, necessarily. It can be love of the sunshine streaming through your window. Love of the warm breeze or the smell of freshly baked bread. Love is appreciation and from appreciation, gratitude flows. Gratitude opens your heart and through that opening comes many things – peace, hope, strength to carry on, acceptance of the way things are. The willingness to listen and learn. The patience needed for the universe to provide. Often, especially when life on the outside feels difficult, unjust or difficult to face, the best thing to do is, as you say, nothing. Doing nothing allows other energies the opportunity to come into play. It allows the ‘Flow’ the space it needs in which to flow. And flow it will! It always does. It is the nature of things, of life! When a vacuum is created in nature, something else flows in to fill it. Sometimes the best thing to do is, as you and other have said, nothing.

If, however, you are having trouble doing nothing, you could go one step further. When, like earlier this week, you feel as I did, all spent out with nothing to give, no answers and drained, as if you are running on empty, then that could be the time to give. Have a clear out and give to a charity shop. Bake a cake for a sick neighbour. Send a friend a surprise package. Spend the time writing a proper letter, telling someone you haven’t seen for a long time how much they still mean to you, how much you miss them. Make a birthday present. This action of putting out there, of giving, helps to open the heart (again!) It allows gratitude to flood in as you realise how fortunate you are that you have extra clothes/food in the cupboard/someone to care about. Life is about love, about loving, about giving love and receiving it. About feeling it and sharing it. About seeking it out and celebrating it. About planting it and giving it the space to grow. When we strip away the face of things, the name of things and their character and start seeing life as a collage of love energy, all flowing and mingling together to create this mysterioius, this extraordinary thing we call ‘life’, then, perhaps, we can find peace.

So well done for so many things, including providing me the space to share my thoughts and thank you for those golden blankets! What a lovely idea. I’m wrapping one around me right now and it’s making me tingle all over!

Love your work souldipper.
Love You.


“When all hope is gone, look for love.
In love you will find hope.”     

– Jinkspots

Every Thursday

we OCCUPY this space.

We give this planet a shot of

fun, support and positive energy.


Share something you’ve been wanting to tell the world.


Do an Occupy of your own and add a link in comments.


This space thrives on positive material.  Soul Dipper reserves the right to decline any submission that is presented with a flair for the negative, deemed  to be derogatory or could be surmised as slanderous.


Α – Ω

56 thoughts on “Occupy Blogosphere – Thursday, March 15th, 2012

  1. “ When… you feel as I did, all spent out with nothing to give, no answers and drained, as if you are running on empty, then that could be the time to give…”

    I cannot thank you enough for sharing Jinkspots wisdom with us Amy. It’s exactly what I needed to hear today. I’ve been feeling selfish, and empty from doing nothing.

    “When all hope is gone, look for love.
    In love you will find hope.”

  2. Hi Amy,

    As a fairly new but nonetheless ardent fan of ” Occupy Blogosphere” and today being a thursday, I wanted to post this for you and all your readers.

    As we March into the middle of the month and the fabulous springiness in the weather continues with all the birds and the flowers, I have my tryst with Happiness. To join me


    As always, I look forward to your comments. And should you decide to share or forward, I remain grateful.

    Cheers and God bless

    Shakti Ghosal

    • Aw…there’s my friend Shakti. What a post! What fascinating findings about which countries are happiest. A great feast to feed the Occupy Blogosphere! Many thanks…you will have me thinking for some time.

  3. Hi SD,

    I would be doing myself ( and you! ) an injustice if I do not comment on this marvellous post of Jinkspots. What eloquence, it’s sheer poetry and touched me where it matters.

    As I reflect on the post,I see the way to bring out the best in others as also myself, is non-attachment, to “let go”. By doing this we would possess the frreedom that allows us to exit all drama of doubt and conflict in favour of trust, compassion and love. I believe it is in this manner we can expand our gratitude zone. It is also in this space that we remain grateful for all the challenges we encounter in life and see these as opportunities for further expansion of our gratitude circle.

    In Learning…..


    • Thank you, Shakti, your insights are so welcome. I agree- here we can shed our encumbrances and, without fetter or inhibition, plant our dream for the world. Givers transform the receivers – and themselves.

    • Thank you Shakti for your kind words. We are all learning together and isn’t it marvellous that we can do it this way now, without needing to physically meet. Heightened communication transcends boundaries and brings out understanding and acceptance of our differences, enabling us to celebrate rather than condemn them.

      Love and light to you.

  4. “When all hope is gone, look for love.
    In love you will find hope.” – simply beautiful! Love simply supplies all we need.

  5. I’m not sure of the ethics of ‘liking’ my own post! But it’s your post really because I wrote it for you yesterday 🙂 Thank you for sharing – and how lovely that it has resonated with dearrosie. It feels good to have given something that somebody I don’t know says they really needed today. I’m truly humbled by all this… Thank you Amy x

    • Hope we will see more participation! People need to know they are welcome to join in – just by commenting. Then they can plan a posting like you do. You are the shining light example, Lorna!

  6. Wisdom in every word from Jinkspots. Life is about love. And love is about giving – without conditions. But then you shall receive, too. Or as Jinkspots says: “It allows gratitude to flood in”. Thanks for sharing, even though you initially had some reservations about guest writers.

    • It has been an honour to be invited by souldipper for her Occupy Blogosphere spot. I have been truly humbled by the warm way in which my words have been received. Writing them out helped me enormously, but being able to share them has been even more rewarding.

      love and light to you Munchow x

    • With the “Occupy”, I hope to share far and wide. There’s a world of people who have soul to share and just need an outlet! Look at all the cool comments you make, Otto.

  7. This is so wonderfully put by Jinkspots…simple truths beautifully articulated…reaching and touching so many of us…thank you for sharing it Amy…

    Shakti Ghosal’s comment is also so positively definitive in it’s approach and one that demands much reflection…have really enjoyed all this food for thought…

    God bless…

  8. jinkspots post is wonderful. It flows with wisdom and understanding from start to finish. Her words are so in tune to love, this “acceptance of the way things are”. “Doing nothing allows other energies the opportunity to come into play.” This is so releasing, when we can trust not to be in control, but just witness, observe and learn from all around us. I have come to learn to meet “folks where they are at” rather than reply, offer an opinion, teach, in effect…trespass by being sucked into a vacuum meant to be just that, a space to be filled by other energies. However, sometimes I will ask questions and it doesn’t mean I don’t have an answer, or don’t know an answer, it may just mean I want to know one’s point of view.

    • Georgette, I appreciate you so very much. Your reflections over Jinkspots words show your wisdom. The world needs people like you – who know about meeting folks where they are at. So often, the listener is formulating a solution – for whatever reason – and it shuts down the one who needs the healing. You say it so well – trespassing by stealing the space meant for other energies!

      Many thanks for responding so beautifully.

    • Georgette – I appreciate you too! Thank you for understanding and for offering confirmation that my instinct to write these words to Amy was right. It has felt so good to be able to give and share in this way. Thank you.

  9. That note from jinkspot was completely stunning, so good and so true and really so obvious why had i never thought of it that way before.. you are very lucky to have such a wonderful friend, i think you attract these people! OK back to work for me! I am training a cat to ride in the car so it can come to the old folks place with me, though it is a long shot, a pig would be easier to train i am sure! c

  10. Bravo! Beautifully done.
    In giving we receive: it’s true. We fill the tank.
    I love her saying that we can love the sunshine et al. It reminds me of James Hilton when he wrote something to the effect that soulmates come in many guises. They can be community, organizations, countries, churches. They don’t have to be people. We need to expalnd our ideas of who or what to love and where to connect.

    Liked this very much. Thanks you!

    • Hi Jamie,

      Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. I am still new to the land of blog – SoulDipper was one of the first sites I ran into. I don’t believe in coincidences. Everything happens for a reason. It seems the truths that presented themselves to me last week as I struggled with my own stuff have also found a home here. I feel so grateful to Amy for wanting to share my words. It’s great that they have touched so many through her wonderful site.

      Thanks for adding that reference to James Hilton. I shall go away and look him up!

      with love x

      • Jinkspots, we are a “thread”. Jamie was one of the ones who encouraged me and kept me writing! She knows the secret to “you can’t keep it if you don’t pass it on.” 😀

  11. Thank you ceciliag for your encouraging comment. I firmly believe that as we all progress, the truth will become more obvious to more people. The truth is easy to understand as being true because it resonates with our inner selves in a particular way. If something is difficult to understand and requires lots of explanation that gets us all tangled up inside, then the chances are, it probably isn’t true.

    Good luck with your kitty!

  12. ““When all hope is gone, look for love.In love you will find hope.” – beautiful quote. Like this one a lot Amy aunty. How could I miss this one! But I am glad that, at last I came across this post.

    • I hope you are going to find yourself showered with blessings, Arindam. You were the 7,777th “item” in this site. That is a very spiritual according to numerologists. One said, ” Experiencing 7s – The angels applaud you – congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true. This is an extremely positive sign and means you should also expect more miracles to occur.”

      So there you go, my friend. And that is a good message for you, isn’t it? I think Jinkspots would be pleased that you found her quote so beautiful.

      • Really! Should I really expect miracles. From past few years, I am facing lots of challenges in both my personal & professional life. I hope my wish will come true.
        Yes, this one is a really good message for me. A big thank you to you. 🙂

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