Occupy Blogosphere – Thursday, March 22, 2012

Celi - A grand example of Earth Love.

Celi at The Kitchen’s Garden expressed concern over being on a rant today.

Her “rant” is  essential.   We need to become informed and independent producers of our own food and/or be willing to support those who work diligently to produce food that nourishes our bodies naturally.

Here’s Celi’s welcome excerpt:

“Also Genetically Modified crops have been reconfigured to be pest and round up resistant. So a farmer can spray less. This is good right?  But they do not produce  fertile nutritious pollen. The seed in a Genetically Modified crop is designed to terminate, so a farmer cannot collect and grow his seed, he has to reorder seed from the Big Lobby M company. So what of the pollen? The dramatic rise in these GM pollens on a graph,  directly dogs the decline in bee numbers.  As GM crops rise so do bee numbers decline. None of these crops need bees as a pollinator.  Of course as usual no-one really wants to know this. Round-Up ready crops are big business and they don’t need bees anyway.   But bees do need the good stuff.  So if you have a spot to plant a tree that has flowers for bees then you are directly helping the bees gain back some ground lost to industrial farming, sprays and dandelion free lawns.

Also I might add that the GM corn is causing a dismaying decline in the fertility of cattle too.  So it is in your beef, pork and corn syrup and soy milk, etc. Now what is that doing to OUR health? This is something that has never been researched. And this is why I do not eat or drink processed foods and I grow my own grass fed beef and milk.”

Awareness is the only way out of this quagmire of modified substances and practices.  Our best strategy for health is to override the companies who have taken control of our food production.  Let’s deem them unessential. 


Jamie - Quiet dignity with great impact.

Jamie at Musing by Moonlight and Into the Bardo inadvertently partnered with Celi on this topic.  Jamie left this comment on Soul Dipper’s March 1st  Occupy Blogosphere post:

“You know, I do think we are starting to reclaim our food and food system. Little by little. I just think of the work that people like T. Colon Campbell and others are doing … and there’s posts like yours on the internet … and just a lot going on. Some of my friends who have yards are growing a lot more food than they used to. (Of course, the time is there now with retirement. I’m sure that’s a factor.)  Today in Whole Foods I note they are promoting a book called “Reclaiming Our Food.” Hopeful.   http://www.amazon.com/Reclaiming-Our-Food-Grassroots-Movement/dp/1603427996/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1332320062&sr=8-1-spell


Today’s Slogan:

Deem modifiers unessential:  Reclaim our Food!


Every Thursday

we OCCUPY this space.

We give this planet a shot of

fun, support and positive energy.


Share something you’ve been wanting to tell the world.


Do an Occupy of your own and add a link in comments.


This space thrives on positive material.  Soul Dipper reserves the right to decline any submission that is presented with a flair for the negative, deemed  to be derogatory or could be surmised as slanderous.


Α – Ω

56 thoughts on “Occupy Blogosphere – Thursday, March 22, 2012

  1. Lately I find I can not comment on my wordpress friend’s blogs … so I’m cautiously trying again on yours, Soul Dipper … Thank you for your blog … Love you, and always will … no matter who wants to keep us apart … Always, cat.

    • Another blogger friend has been dubbed a “spammer” and is having the same problem. It’s a wrinkle with Word Press so I hope you let them know. However, you came through just fine to me, Cat. Many thanks for your kind comments…guess we’re not to be separated or segregated just yet! 😀

  2. Hi Amy, So glad to see your post, I am in total agreement with this food thing, just watched the news about all the slime in ground beef, it’s gross, luckily I am a chicken and fish person but even the chickens may have issues. Glad to see your post, stay well, thinking of you

  3. thank you for including my wee rant and i must also add to your other contributers words today who mentions that retirement means you can grow your own food because you have more time (and at the risk of being unpopular). Anyone who has a wee plot of dirt, even on a very limited time budget can grow their own veges. I had two and often three jobs and 5 kids and a runaway husband and i always had a vegetable garden. it was not clever, or big or pretty and was never weed free like the pictures in the magazines, but it fed us.. you can do it too.. and I am sure that Jamie would agree… dig up the lawn!! is that too radical?.. celi

    • Right on, Celi…I admit that I waffle over all conditions being satisfactorily in place. But then I can afford to support the folks who grow fresh produce. Root veggies for the winter are hardy and not very fussy. I’ve been composting a patch so I’ll probably GO FOR IT. Especially with you in my line of life! 😀

  4. I’m so glad someone’s ranting about the bloody M seed company.

    We always buy our vegetables from farmer’s markets, but we don’t know where they get their seeds…

    Celi you had 2 or 3 jobs, 5 kids, a runaway husband and always had a vegetable garden? Sheesh… thank you.

  5. It’s so interesting and timely that you should choose food as today’s topic. Today is UN-World Water Day. A day to consciously remember the essential role that water plays in our lives. A day to take action to redress the gross imbalances in water sanitation and availability. And of course, water quality and its accessibility is directly related to food production.

    I love dearrosies’s ‘the bloody M seed company’! They are another over-large corporation whose very existence reminds us of the beauty of small. Their might may make us feel daunted. How on earth can one individual or even a small group of concerned people stand up to these giants? You could ‘do a David’ I suppose, and sling a stone in their vulnerable spot. Or you could go one step further – and consciously ignore them.

    I use the word ‘consciously’ because it implies intended action in the opposite direction. Don’t just buy organic or grow your own (not to belittle these actions at all, for they are also a ‘stone in the eye’ for the heinous supermarket chains) but actively seek out wholesome, unadulterated, unmodified seeds. Then share them. Ceciliag’s advice to ‘plant a pollinating tree for the bees’ is spot on. Like the bees, the small details in life are essential. And like us, if enough small things group together, we may be surprised at the power we can wield.

    • Jinkspots – my computer hasn’t been 100%. Sorry for no responding sooner. Thank you for your comment…so very much!

      Plus thank you for all your responses last week. You dove right in like an old hand at this blogging business! 😀

  6. Hi,
    I also like to buy my fruit and veg at the local market which is run by a very nice family, everything is fresh and not put into cold storage. They grow a lot of the food themselves and the rest comes from other farms in their area.

  7. I live only too close to the “M” seed company … or at least their head quarters. The other night on PBS there was a promotional for them/by them, of the good they do. I am seeing this thinking “are you kidding?”

    I so agree with your point.

    • I don’t watch TV so missed the PBS show. I’ll look for it on the Internet. I’m sure there will be lots of promotional stuff presented…their reputation must be hugely affected. Whether their profits are or not is debatable – a lot of people are blowing this off.

  8. i loved this — it’s something that’s on my mind a great deal these days — and obviously on the minds of a great many others. I buy my beef from a local farmer whom I can trust not to be supplementing diet with hormones, antibiotics, etc. The recent (this week) recall of so many pre-made burger patties, churned out by a huge company (now in receivership) speaks volumes of the wisdom of returning to taking control of what we put in our mouths and in the mouths of our children. Taking the time to thaw some burger and hand-make some hamburgers is such a small thing, and yet, there are so many out there who would look at this as a time waster. When it comes to personal health, especially that of your children, I can’t see where the value in time saved is even a consideration.

    Thanks again, Amy for providing us with a place and a forum for clear, conscious thought!

    • Kathy, I’m glad this is on your mind. We need to nudge our loved ones into being informed. We’ve really allowed this nonsense to creep up on us and I’m delighted people are saying they’ve had enough.

      Country folk really have an advantage –

  9. Celi, you are amazing. Thank you for ranting and informing us of the questions that need to be asked. This is important to know. btw I’ll always remember your method of saving our pecans from the squirrels. When I see that PVC pipe in the yard, I thank you.

  10. I’m pretty informed when it comes to food and the industry surrounding how its manufactured. That’s why my diet is so restrictive. I wish people who were passionate about such vital topics wouldn’t call their posts “rants.” It diminishes their value–and that was a valuable post.

    • I would consider my diet “restrictive” as well, Lorna, because I don’t eat processed food – unless I have no choice and then I only eat enough to stifle hunger. I really enjoy plant-based food, but I primarily focus on an “alkaline/acid balanced food plan”.

      Yes, both Celi’s and Jamie’s messages provide valuable encouragement and hope for me. Those two women could be on a soapbox and I’d listen! 😀

  11. Amy, just wanted you to know I linked the the placard with your original post about the Occupy the Blogosphere movement in response to the comment you posted on my blog. It was easier that I thought… 🙂

  12. We are what we EAT . . .

    Here’s to fresh, local, organic produce that has NOT been genetically altered by profit hungry corporations like Monsanto.

    And to CHOCOLATE! 😀

  13. Pingback: Lighting up the Blogosphere – # 5 « Inside the Mind of Isadora

  14. Hi,

    I am not at all sure regarding the claims and counterclaims about Genetically modified foodstuff. A large part of the scientific community says that GM technology is the next green revolution with the power to eradicate hunger from the planet.

    A decades old friend of mine, a very aware and committed American farmer from Idaho, Clint Albano, says that he has done considerable research in the matter and has found not a shred of evidence to show that GM foods impact humans negatively.

    Awhile back, an ambitious plan to introduce GM brinjals in India hit a major road bump and had to be shelved in the face of huge mounting protests all over.According to Clint, these kind of reactions are unfounded fears based on sensationalistic and half baked theories which cannot stand the rigours of Scientific enquiry. Some of it may be instigated by vested interests, emanating from agriculture support industries which would be adversely impacted by GM. Clint says that by the same logic, inorganic fertilisers used for crops need to be stopped.

    I remain confused and unsure ………..


    • Yes, confusion and fuzziness abounds on this subject. There is no one offering proof that modified foods hold the nutrients our bodies need. Yet I am expected to buy them, eat them and appreciate them. When I choose not to eat them, I am a deviant. When I question them, I am a trouble maker. When a bird plants one of the modified seeds on my property, I am sued.

      Something is off kilter. I am dismayed that, in order to not starve, the consumer unintentionally becomes the “lab rat”.

      I’m so glad to have “seed saturdays” available where local growers bring their seeds for trade or sale. Small does not have to mean “powerless”.

  15. I suppose it’s the ease of buying food. Growing your own, keeping the soil in shape (year-round) and finding homes for all the produce is a HUGE chore. I’m shocked at the number of folks who will take vegetables as long as I’ve already picked them. I suppose that’s okay, because I’ve found many people don’t know how to be in a garden, they pick things before they’re ready and tromp on vines. In other words, I think the big chem and seed companies will always be in business until we each get off our keisters and do the work ourselves.

  16. An interesting post – much food for thought! I grow as much veg as I can in my small plot and in pots around my courtyards. I can pull up stray weeds and do not use pesticides, so it’s as organic as I can make it. Although my family love sharing my produce, they lack the time or the skills to grow their own, despite my encouragement. But they do subscribe to an organic veg box service, so they’re doing the best that they can.

    I’ve had Internet trouble today – so I’ve just managed to upload my own contribution on http://wightrabbit.wordpress.com – on a completely different subject. It’s well worth the hassle to be part of this exciting movement – what a variety of topics we cover. Thanks, Amy, for having the idea and carrying it through! 🙂

    • It doesn’t take much to get the grower’s mania into gear. A pot here, a row there. I think I’ll be planting some root crops in old flower beds that I composted all winter. I think it helps to keep talking about organic every chance we get – without becoming a nag!

  17. Great topic. I will quote one of my heros, Michael Pollan: ‘Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.’, ‘Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.’

  18. In my home, We always buy our vegetables from the local market, as we all prefer to eat it fresh. But as it not possible to get fresh vegetables in a city, so now I am happy whatever is coming my way. As “something is better than nothing”. 🙂 But I still do miss that freshness and most importantly I miss that shopping of vegetables from local market of my hometown, where all the farmers come and sell these vegetable directly to us. As there is no middle man between them & us, so it helps everyone. We get fresh vegetables at less price and they get more profit. I hope it’s a fair deal. 🙂

    • Arindam, that is how I wish the whole world could live! You can count on the nutrients being more plentiful in the vegetables from your local farmers – as long as they are not using commercial fertilizers. Instead of the farmers having to fight with big business to sell their produce, they can spend time researching on market day with neighbours and customers – receiving feedback and ideas.

      Your mother and father have given you an excellent and healthy base from which to shine!

  19. In time, I shall have my own garden. That’s the only way to know that I’m truly getting organic foods anyway.

    Hey, enjoy your weekend and keep the light on the front porch for me. 🙂

  20. Thanks, Amy: life has taken off here and I had not caught these contributions by Celi and Jamie. I had no idea GM crops had such horrid sides to them, and I am fuller than ever of admiration for Celi’s commitment to reclaiming food the natural way. We are so lucky to have these opportunities to learn from others across the ‘sphere. I can feel renting an allotment coming on.

    • I wonder if GM seeds/crops are much more prevalent in North America… Good for you if you teach your children how to grow food. We lived off our garden when I was a child, but my biggest goal was to be invisible enough to not have to hoe weeds! I didn’t pay enough attention and didn’t grow my own garden while my mom and dad were alive so I could glean information from them. Now I have to live off the avails of strangers.

  21. We give this planet a shot of fun, support and positive energy.

    Share something you’ve been wanting to tell the world.

    I think I want to tell the world:

    Love more deeply.
    Enjoy the warmth of the sun.
    Splash in puddles.
    Listen to the birdies sing.
    Hug another person.
    DO random acts of kindness and don’t just talk about doing them.
    Buy someone a cup of coffee.
    Color on sidewalks.
    Blow bubbles.
    Dance in the kitchen.
    Sing off-key.
    Wear mis-matched socks and be PROUD!
    Post silly notes on the mirrors in public bathrooms.
    Tell people they matter.

    I know it’s Friday….but still………I had a free moment! 🙂

    • You know, my sweet and incredible blog buddy, this is fabulous. I may have to post your comment next week. It would be a welcome and appreciated treat – we’ve been a little “HEAVY”. If I do want to go with the idea, if it is appropriate in life’s schemes, would you be willing to just outline what you are doing right now that makes this so very important and relevant?

      Mel, I send you tons of love. I wish I could teleport there at times when you just need someone to sit silently with you. Or listen to you rant if necessary.

  22. Amy, thank you for this post … and not because you included me, though that’s certainly an honor. This is important stuff and Cell’s reference to GM crops is huge.

    There is so much that is implied in farmer’s not being able to gather seed and grow crops from their own seed. Just think how the big corporations are taking over basic resources – water – land – seed … Oh my, to say this is frightening is an understatement.

    There’s a farmer in Canada who is doing a lot – a David against Goliath – Mr. Schmeiser who sued Monsanto for damages due to using Round-up AND WON! Hooray!

    “Percy Schmeiser is a farmer from Bruno, Saskatchewan Canada whose Canola fields were contaminated with Monsanto’s Round-Up Ready Canola. Monsanto’s position was that it didn’t matter whether Schmeiser knew or not that his canola field was contaminated with the Roundup Ready gene, or whether or not he took advantage of the technology (he didn’t); that he must pay Monsanto their Technology Fee of $15./acre. The Supreme Court of Canada agreed with Schmeiser, ruling that he didn’t have to pay Monsanto anything..” …..full story: http://www.percyschmeiser.com/

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Amy.
    Many blessings,

    • Yes, this man has been through hell. The scary thing, Jamie, is that there are people who think food modification is okay. STILL! They are accepting what “vested interest parties” report. Or stories about short term results which prove nothing.

      I understand that starvation changes priorities, but where will this lead their health over the long term? And their soil? And their water?

      I have read various articles on Genetically Modified Foods/Seeds. The conclusions confuse me. I’m left with the fact that I do not want to be one of their guinea pigs. I become incensed that I am expected to pay for food that no one can say is harmless to our planet and bodies.

      If I am concerned for no reason, show me with hard data that is older than a few years.

  23. I’m so happy to have found your blog, through maturestudenthanginginthere.
    Here is my addition to the idea of “reclaiming our food”: I belong to a wonderful local food coop, where every month I buy veggies (in season, of course!) meats, poultry, eggs, honey, flour, cornmeal, barley, soaps, cheese and more. All of it grown organically and sustainably within 20 miles of my house!
    And, oh by the way: its honestly all 100 times more delicious than what I used to get at the grocery store!

    How uplifting is that?

    • How uplifting, Momshieb? VERY UPLIFTING! Thank you for this great comment. You are proof and practice of how more and more of us can live. Bravo to the food producers in your area. They are heroes.

    • Celi certainly does walk her talk. She is a example of Jamie’s mention. It’s encouragement to all of us that we can better serve our planet and health with diligent care no matter where we live.

    • Well said, Bela. Cecilia is a great example – one easily slipped into Jamie’s mention. We’re encouraged to live with awareness and care for our planet and general good health – no matter where our home.


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